Cloudflare has published its fourth annual Year in Review, exploring global Internet insights and security trends, accompanied by a deeper dive on the most popular Internet services in 2023. The Internet is one of, if not, the most ubiquitous aspect of modern life. Cloudflare’s Year in Review revealed that in 2023 alone,Read More…

Baidu Research, a leading AI research lab initiated by Baidu, has released its predictions for the top 10 technology trends of 2023, including big models, digital-real convergence, virtual-real symbiosis, autonomous driving, robotics, scientific computing, quantum computing, privacy computing, ethics in technology, and sustainability. Baidu will also showcase its latest techRead More…

Genetec has shared its top predictions for the physical security industry in 2023. Labor shortages drive demand for unified security solutions In the Genetec 2022 State of Physical Security Report, 50% of respondents said their physical security team experienced human resource challenges last year. For 2023, security leaders are re-evaluatingRead More…